5-7 December 2017
Expert Group Meeting

Innovation and Technology for Achieving the 2030 Development Agenda

  • Beirut, Lebanon

The main objective of this event was to discuss innovation models and emerging and disruptive technologies that can aid in the achievement of the SDGs. The discussions focused on economic and social development, and special attention was paid to SMEs, entrepreneurship and the improvement of social well-being. The complexity of development issues related to SDGs and the cross-cutting nature of innovation and technology also required the consideration of an integrated approach that can aid in the achievement of SDGs rooted in the local needs.

Selected international activities related to technology and innovation for SDGs and case studies from the international, regional and national arenas were presented and discussed to stimulate the sharing of knowledge, case studies, lessons learned, and encourage building partnership among various stakeholders to foster the role of innovation and technology for achieving the 2030 development Agenda.
This EGM aimed at building consensus among Arab countries and regional experts on the roles of innovation and technology in economic, social and environmental development as well as the innovation models and emerging technologies that could be adapted to achieve local and regional priorities in development.

In view of its ambition and the complexity of the challenges it addresses, implementing Agenda 2030 is an overwhelming task, particularly in the Arab Region. The EGM was a real platform to present, discuss and share knowledge, lessons learned, and encourage the building of partnerships among representatives of various stakeholders on "Innovation and Technology for Achieving the 2030 Development Agenda". Global megatrends towards 2030, and affecting technology and innovation were enumerated. This prepared the terrain for the presentation of serious background studies and papers on the Arab Region to achieve the SDGs such as: "Horizon 2030: Innovation and Technology perspectives", "Enhancing SMEs", "Fostering Entrepreneurship", "Community Development", "Creating an Ecosystem for Social Innovation" and the "Need for New Planning Systems". The meeting discussed promising actions or policy elements for optimal leveraging of technology and innovation for the SDGs, and strove to inform policy makers in the Arab Region about technologies and innovations that will be crucial until 2030. The meeting recommendations will, no doubt, be important in the present phase of national development of the Region where several countries are emerging from the ravages of devastating wars and conflicts, with serious reconstruction, immigration and refugee crises. It is useful to think of how the action oriented recommendations of the meeting will be realized. Mr. Mohamad Mrayati, Senior Expert on S&T for Sustainable Development, UNDP-KSA.

Initiatives: Innovation policies



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