Trade & regional connectivity

Trade & regional connectivity

ESCWA works to strengthen regional connectivity through the integration of transport and trade facilitation, essential for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Arab region is less integrated in the global economy and at the regional level compared with other regions. Much of this deficiency is attributed to a lack of competitiveness arising from various issues, including trade costs and connectivity issues. While the region trades competitively with some partners, it remains uncompetitive with others and also within itself. Transport and logistics costs are believed to be partly responsible, as revealed by the region’s performance on various indicators.

ESCWA trade-related activities rest on the following three pillars: trade analysis and trade negotiations; infrastructure and trade logistics; and productive capacity and participation in global value chains.

ESCWA tackles connectivity issues by promoting regulatory reforms, enhancing infrastructure for more efficient transport and logistics, building the capacity of member States to that end, and helping them join and implement international transport agreements.

ESCWA enhances road safety practices in the Arab region and promotes the implementation of national road safety management systems.

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