External relations & communications

The External Relations and Communications Section handles the Commission’s relationships with member States and development partners, and communication with the media and the public. It covers the following three main areas of work: external relations, technical cooperation, and media and outreach. 

Laptop. Photo: ESCWA
ESCWA Communication & Information Unit

Mr. Karim Khalil
Secretary of the Commission and Head of External Relations and Communications

Ms. Maryam Sleiman
Public Information Assistant

Ms. Rania Harb
Public Information Assistant

External relations

The Section provides guidance on the Commission’s external relations and advocacy with its member States, and other stakeholders and partners. It also oversees the functioning of the Commission’s intergovernmental mechanisms, including supervising the sessions of the Commission, its Executive Committee and other subsidiary bodies; maintaining relations with departments and offices of the United Nations Secretariat, the Economic and Social Council and other United Nations organizations; maintaining relations and close contact with member States, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, the host Government, and other United Nations offices in Lebanon; and maintaining and coordinating relationships with international and regional organizations.

Read more about our Governing Bodies.

Technical cooperation

The Technical Cooperation Unit plans, monitors and reports on the operational activities of the Commission’s technical cooperation programme. This entails liaising with member States to discuss their technical cooperation needs; assisting States in formulating and adopting bilateral technical cooperation frameworks with ESCWA, upon their request; coordinating the ESCWA response to the technical cooperation needs of member States; following up on the implementation of technical cooperation activities, and supporting ESCWA clusters in resolving issues hampering implementation as they arise; overseeing the work of the ESCWA Technical Cooperation Network, and planning and servicing its meetings; and monitoring the impact of technical cooperation activities.

Read more about technical cooperation.

Media and outreach

The Communication and Information Unit enhances the visibility of ESCWA via targeted and strategic advocacy and communication activities. It promotes the role, achievements and impact of the Commission by:

  • developing and coordinating the implementation of strategic advocacy and communication plans; producing all types of communications products and content;
  • ensuring distribution of communications products through traditional media channels, the web, and other digital platforms;
  • developing, managing, coordinating and supporting communications campaigns; maintaining social media platforms;
  • using digital technologies to produce, disseminate and promote outreach activities; providing advice on strategic approaches to communication and on effective use of communication tools to management;
  • developing strategic partnerships and sustaining professional relationships with journalists and other key actors; and
  • liaising with other communications offices of the United Nations, international and regional agencies, and partners to ensure information exchange and implement coordinated campaigns.

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