Regional Collaborative Platform

The Regional Collaborative Platform (RCP) is the primary United Nations regional coordination mechanism. It aims to optimize regional United Nations assets in the service of member States through United Nations country teams and resident coordinators, as they strive to support member States in achieving the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals.

RCP is supported by a joint secretariat, organized by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Development Coordination Office and ESCWA.


RCP generates synergies by consolidating functions previously performed by different coordination mechanisms, and strengthens strategic direction and accountability for system-wide work at the regional level, in line with the vision of the Secretary-General and the Economic and Social Council.

RCP functions are underpinned by the principles of ownership, system-wide collaboration to support member States, and cost-neutrality (drawing on existing resources and mechanisms). RCP holds an annual meeting under the chairship of the Deputy Secretary-General, with ESCWA and UNDP as co-vice-chairs. The annual meeting provides opportunities to agree on a common workplan, informed by the priorities of member States as reflected in the theme of the Arab Forum on Sustainable Development and in the policy support requirements of Governments and United Nations country teams. The annual meetings also review progress in advancing common priorities. RCP meets regularly to discuss ongoing collaboration, assess progress and tackle specific in-country situations. RCP membership comprises regional directors of all United Nations agencies operating in the Arab region.

Our work

RCP work is informed by dynamic issue-based coalitions (IBCs), chaired by United Nations entities with relevant mandates and expertise. IBCs produce joint regional public goods in the form of knowledge products, data, tools and policy recommendations, targeting the most pressing issues in the region. IBC themes change annually.

MANARA, or ‘lighthouse’ in Arabic, is an online knowledge management and data hub developed by the Arab region’s RCP. MANARA provides member States, partners and the public with a one-stop-shop to access all United Nations knowledge products, expertise, data and tools for the region.

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