Technical cooperation

Technical cooperation is aimed at supporting capacity development efforts and advancing the formulation and implementation of sustainable development policies in member States. It consists of operational activities that are, for the largest part, based on member States’ requests and constitute a natural extension of the research and analytical work of ESCWA. Such activities can take the form of policy advice, technical support, capacity-building and training, knowledge sharing, or larger pilot field projects.

ESCWA Technical Cooperation Unit


Technical cooperation activities are funded through the United Nations regular budget under the Regular Programme of Technical cooperation, established by the General Assembly in its resolution 58 (I) in 1946, or other regular budget sources, the United Nations Development Account and, in some cases, extrabudgetary funds.

The sharing of experiences across countries and regions, South-South cooperation, the use of national expertise from the beneficiary countries to the extent possible, and the building of knowledge networks to facilitate continued exchange and assistance are characteristic of technical cooperation.

The ESCWA Technical Cooperation Network, comprising focal points for technical cooperation activities in each member State, coordinates requests and channels them to the Technical Cooperation Unit in the ESCWA secretariat. It also oversees implementation and quality control.

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