Inclusive development

Inclusive development

ESCWA assists member States in devising inclusive development policies, which address the needs of all social groups through a rights-based approach.

Inclusive development is a priority for the Arab region. The aim is to formulate urgently needed social protection policies and longer-term development programmes targeting all members of society, with special focus on marginalized and vulnerable groups, to eradicate poverty and mitigate inequalities.

Inclusive development covers social protection, poverty reduction, social justice and disability, focusing on development as basic human right, so as to help individuals mitigate lifecycle risks and lead a dignified life in society. Arab countries are in the process of reforming their development systems towards greater inclusion, sustainability and coverage.

ESCWA publishes analytical reports on the status of inclusive development, and technical papers on individual needs and challenges. It also collaborates with other international agencies to increase knowledge about inclusive development, including on issues of education, employment and poverty reduction.

ESCWA supports Arab Governments by providing technical advice and training sessions on the various components of inclusive development, such as identifying vulnerable populations, analysing relevant databases, highlighting the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on income poverty and the cost of poverty eradication, rethinking inequality in Arab countries, tracking multidimensional poverty, and developing policy tools to guide poverty reduction programmes.

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