19-20 October 2016

Enabling Policies to Promote Financing Renewable Energy Investments

  • Baku, Azerbaijan

The seminar is organized in the framework of the 7th  International Forum on Energy for Sustainable Development (IFESD-7), and the activities of the 2nd day of the seminar are held as the 3rd session of the “International Conference on Renewable Energy (ICoRE)” to take place during the Forum.
The seminar presents seven case studies on RE policies in 7 UN ESCWA and ECE Member Countries. The case studies are used as a basis to develop a better understanding of the role that favorable institutional and policy framework can play in promoting RE investments. Panel discussions are organized around the case studies and participants would identify the required or desirable changes to existing policy/legal/regulatory frameworks leading to a more favorable investment climate for RE projects.
During the ICORE, Participants will be briefed about the RE status and future directions worldwide, and best practices on how to increase the uptake of RE.
Other sessions of the ICoRE will discuss the role of fossil fuels for RE deployment (organized by UNESCWA).
Additional important topics related to developing sustainable energy systems will be addressed at the Forum, which would involve UN ESCWA and other international organizations and parties.

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