23-31 July 2007

Second National Training of Trainers on Statistical Literacy and Capacity Building for MDGs

  • Hammamet, Tunisia
DOWNLOAD MEETING FINAL REPORT Background Information The Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Tunisia and under the umbrella of the United Nations Development Group (UNDG) are organizing a regional training of trainers as part of the project on "Statistical Literacy and Capacity Building for MDG Monitoring at the Country Level." The workshop will be held at Diar Lemdina Hotel in Hammamet, Tunisia from 23 to 31 July 2007. The project is a global initiative, which ESCWA is implementing in the three Arab countries namely Palestine, Jordan and Tunisia. The objectives are to enhance MDG statistical literacy among national stakeholders, to ensure that the production of data is tailored to the needs of policy-makers, and to promote the use of MDG statistics to advocate for policy change. Overall the project aims to have better access to statistics and to enhance the skills required to make more effective use of data in the policy making process. It also provides tools to help develop a more inclusive MDG-based national development strategy.
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