18 May 2021

Beirut time


Regional workshop on road safety in the Arab countries

  • Online

The theme of the 6th Global Road Safety Week will be Managing Speed. The Week itself will focus on speed management, in particular 30 km/h zones in cities and other areas where pedestrians and cyclists mix with traffic, as key to a safe transport system which protects all roads users, prevents road traffic deaths and injuries, and facilitates the attainment of many of the Sustainable Development Goals. It will witness the release of the plan of action. This will be a great opportunity to mobilise the global population (Authorities, stakeholders, citizens) to raise their awareness on road safety issues.

Within the activities of the 6th Global Road safety Week during 17-23 May 2021, ESCWA will organize a regional workshop on road safety in the Arab countries, on 18 May 2021. The workshop will be implemented as a follow up activity of the 21st Session of the Committee on Transport and Logistics .

Its main objectives will be to:

  • Update on the preparation of the Global Plan for the Second Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030.
  • Update on the progress in the implementation of UNRSF projects
  • Present success stories in implementing national systems for road safety management (Morocco).
  • Present and discuss a concept note on the establishment of the Arab Integrated Road Safety Observatory (AIRSO).
  • Exchange of information on experiences of Member States on the reduction of speeds to 30 km/h in some urban areas and their effects to improve road safety.


Event details

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