13-14 December 2017

Regional Workshop on: “Renewable Energy UNDA project conclusions and way forward”

  • Beirut, Lebanon

This regional workshop is part of the activities included in a United Nations Development Account (UN DA) capacity-building project on “Promoting Renewable Energy Investments for Climate Change Mitigation and Sustainable Development’’. The workshop will focus on the following topics:

  1. Presentation of UN ESCWA and UNECE Project Development Portfolios, and panel discussions about the required next steps to meet the challenges and identify additional requirements to reach full bankability for the RE Projects, and start exploring their potential financing based on the prepared business plans documents.
  2. Discussion of the various opportunities for international financing of RE Projects in UN ESCWA and UN ECE Member countries. What are the possible challenges and expected requirements of the financing parties. 
  3. Extensive presentation of the IRENA Sustainable energy Marketplace platform as an instrument for promoting investments in RE projects in UN ESCWA & UN ECE Member countries. A Group activity will be conducted to explore, hands on, the various features of the Marketplace platform
  4. Presentation of recent policy support mechanisms and instruments from different UN ESCWA and UN ECE member countries to promote investments in RE projects. This will include the presentation of the synthesis report on RE policies case studies prepared in the context of the UN DA project in eight UN ESCWA and UN ECE member countries. A panel discussion about the role of policy support in stimulating investments of RE projects in UN ESCWA and UN ECE Member countries will further explore this topic.

Event details

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