30-31 May 2023

Legal and institutional arrangements for transboundary water cooperation and data exchange

  • UN House, Beirut, Lebanon

The high dependency on transboundary water resources in the Arab region complicates the efforts to achieve water security and hinders the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The situation is further complicated by political and natural factors, including  climate change and climate variability that threaten transboundary water resources management, stressing the importance of dialogue and cooperation between riparian States.

ESCWA is organizing a workshop on "Strengthening Legal and Institutional Arrangements for Transboundary Water Cooperation and Data and Information Exchange" in collaboration with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization .

The workshop aims at:

  • Strengthening legal and institutional arrangements for transboundary water cooperation and data and information exchange with specific focus on groundwater resources
  • Supporting the achievement of SDG 6.5.2
  • Informing climate change adaptation in transboundary surface and groundwater basins.


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