
National Gender Lens Pocketbook 2022


Country: Arab Republic of Egypt, Republic of Iraq, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, State of Palestine, State of Qatar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Republic of Sudan

Publication Type: Data and Statistics

Cluster: Statistics, Information Society and Technology

Focus Area: Gender equality, Population dynamics & migration, Statistics

Initiatives: Women’s economic empowerment, Gender statistics

SDGs: Goal 5: Gender Equality

Keywords: Statistics, Gender statistics, Gender equality, Statistical data

National Gender Lens Pocketbook 2022

June 2023

The National Gender Lens Pocketbooks 2022 provides a statistical visual portrait of countries’ progress in 40 selected key gender indicators at the governorate/city level. The Pocketbooks present gender-related and sex- disaggregated indicators in the areas of population, education, inequality, health, and work. The Pocketbook illustrates gender gaps over a two-year period.

The National Gender Lens Pocketbooks are designed to serve as source of information on the issues of gender equality and women’s empowerment at subnational level to assist decision-makers in formulating improved policies and programmes; and to raise awareness on gender issues. 

Egypt Gender Lens Gap Pocket Book

Iraq Gender Lens Gap Pocket Book

Jordan Gender Lens Gap Pocket Book

State of Palestine Gender Lens Gap Pocket Book

Qatar Gender Lens Gap Pocket Book

Saudi Arabia Gender Lens Gap Pocket Book

Sudan Gender Lens Gap Pocket Book

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Gender equality , Population dynamics & migration , Statistics ,
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