
22 May 2009

Saudi Arabia – ESCWA to Boost Cooperation

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Capacity-building in integrated social policies, tackling poverty and strengthening social institutions were some of the issues discussed on 21 May at ESCWA, when the Regional Commission received Saudi Social Affairs Minister, Youssef bin Ahmad Al Otheymeen and the newly appointed Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon, Ali bin Saeed Awwad Oussairi and officials of the Embassy.  
The Saudi delegation discussed with Executive Secretary Bader Omar Aldafa and senior ESCWA officials the Commission's areas of work, and possible venues of cooperation in social policy; integrating population issues in these policies; youth and unemployment and urban observatories.
The Saudi minister underscored several possible ways of cooperation between ESCWA and the ministry. He highlighted the importance of working towards a clear national social development strategy that benefits citizens and spearheads social development activities.
Stressing the need for cooperation on social statistics and data, the minister noted the lack of such information, which are crucial in guiding the work of policymakers. He also pointed out the issue of capacity-building in social policies, through training and workshops. Falling under the same theme, tackling poverty and strengthening social institutions and initiatives can also be a venue for common work. 
On his part, ESCWA's Executive Secretary noted that it was one of the Commission's duties to transfer expertise from other geographic areas into member countries and vice versa. Success stories in social fields can thus be imported to the region, or exported elsewhere. He cited Bahrain's success, for example, has been successful for example in reducing unemployment from 17 to 3.5 per cent in just three years only. This was only one example of the achievements that can inspire other countries.
It is worth noting that ESCWA offers advisory services to its member countries in its various areas of work. It strives to achieve regional integration and build capacities in the region to reach the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as well as internationally-agreed goals.
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