
12 Nov 2013

ESCWA Convened the Fourteenth Session of its Committee on Transport


The Jordanian Capital, Amman, hosted the 14th Session of its Committee on Transport on 9 and 10 October 2013. Minister of Transport in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Lina Chbib inaugurated the meeting, which was attended by specialists in diverse transport and legislation-related areas from ESCWA member countries, alongside representatives of several relevant regional and international bodies. The Fourteenth Session of ESCWA's Transport Committee represented a follow-up of the Commission’s efforts in the transport sector, which plays an efficient and important role in supporting Arab regional integration. The Session also reviewed related achievements since the convening of the Transport Committee's thirteenth session last year in Beirut. The Committee on Transport discussed the progress achieved in implementing the components of the Integrated Transport System in the Arab Mashreq (ITSAM), including the Agreement on International Roads in the Arab Mashreq; the Agreement on International Railways in the Arab Mashreq; the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the Field of Maritime Transport in the Arab Mashreq; National committees for transport and trade facilitation; road safety; and institutional and legislative frameworks. Participants agreed on a series of recommendations in all debated issues, including asking member countries to include the issue of road safety as a top and urgent priority, taking into consideration international commitments on this issue; calling on member countries to work and coordinate with the ESCWA Secretariat to being the actual implementation of the action plan of the "Decade of Action for Road Safety", and establishing a national time table for implementing the Moscow Declaration on Road Safety (20 November 2009). The Session adopted the recommendations of the third meeting of the Working Group on the Harmonization of institutional frameworks and legislation in the transport sector in the ESCWA region, including requesting that the Commission modify the terms of reference of the study according to the comments during the debate, and send them to members for review and comments before settling on a final form of its conditions. Participants also recommended the adoption of the proposed action plan to follow-up the implementation of the Agreement on International Roads in the Arab Mashreq once modified according to members'comments; including countries that newly joined the Commission in this plan after they sign the agreement; and requesting that ESCWA send experts to these countries to evaluate the state of their transport and road sectors and define needs.
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