
20 Apr 2009

Employment, Tackling Financial Crisis Repercussions in UN-ESCWA and ALO Discussions


Employment and its nemesis in the Arab world were the subjects of discussion on Monday 20 April at UN-ESCWA when Executive Secretary Bader Omar AlDafa, alongside different UN-ESCWA Division Chiefs, met with Arab Labour Organization (ALO) Director-General, Ahmad Muhammad Luqman who headed a delegation of ALO members to the headquarters of the Regional Commission. The meeting was meant for coordination and cooperation purposes, especially since a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) links both organizations since 1986 (renewed in 2008).
AlDafa praised ALO efforts in holding meetings that revitalize its main areas of interest, namely employment. For his part, Luqman noted the similarity between the areas of work at UN-ESCWA and ALO, touching upon potentially joint activities. In this context, conferees highlighted the issue of the economic crisis whose repercussions have extended to the social and economic strata, with obvious impact on employment and social peace and security, a matter that requires common Arab, regional and international efforts to contain these effects. Employment and poverty were also present for the first time this year as well in the Arab Summit at Kuwait held in January, which provided a legal support and expressed the clear will to work in this direction.
Luqman also underscored UN-ESCWA participation in the meetings of ALO, which offers a framework for social dialogue. He spoke of the key role UN-ESCWA and ALO could play to restore balance between the private and public sectors, especially at the time being.
As there is much similarity between UN-ESCWA and ALO areas of work, cooperation between both parties could extend to strengthening labour, economic and social statistics; forming a labour force network; writing studies on youth employment, where unemployment scores reached over 25 per cent, and which could swell to touch 23 million people approximately in 2011. This cooperation could also reach professional trainings; improving the capacities of workers from Arab countries; Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and empowering women in the work arena, as well as other areas. 
UN-ESCWA Secretariat made an electronic presentation during the meeting that focused on the Commission's economic and social work, with a detailed account of each division's work. The presentation also gave additional ideas for cooperation such as economic and social development under conflict, labour legislation and fighting discrimination in the work place.
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