
14 Aug 2023

Building rural women renewable energy-related capacities in Tunisia

On 14 July, and within the framework of the Regional Initiative to Promote Small-Scale Renewable Energy Applications in Rural Areas of the Arab Region (REGEND), ESCWA launched a capacity-building programme for a group of rural women in Chorbane, Governorate of Mahdia, Tunisia.

In a first workshop, participants learned about renewable energy in rural areas, its various sources, types, and technologies, and the economic benefits of the sustainable use of energy in income-generating activities in the agricultural sector.

In another workshop held in August, participants were introduced to sustainable food manufacturing, including the use of drying, processing, preservation and packaging techniques for food production, given their central and effective role in this domain. They discussed health benefits of dried vegetables and fruits and how to use solar energy to dry them.

Participants also got familiar with the technique of fertilization through irrigation, which is key to improving agricultural quality and productivity.

“We were thrilled by the interaction during the workshops,” Mohamed Zied Gannar, the ESCWA consultant who is conducting the workshops, said. “The feedback was wonderful, and we sensed that they quickly grasped the knowledge we shared, especially that we showcased examples from the region and Tunisia.”

Participants also learned about rural development and gender empowerment as a way to achieve sustainable, inclusive and equitable rural development. They were also given insights on the available funding programmes for rural women and entrepreneurs, the water-energy-food nexus and rural women's empowerment in entrepreneurship.


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