6 November 2023

Beirut time


Towards COP 28: Second Arab Regional Forum on Climate Finance

  • Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC)
Contact information


In anticipation of the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 28), ESCWA, along with the COP 27 and COP 28 Presidencies and the United Nations Climate Change High-Level Champions, is organizing the second Arab Regional Forum on Climate Finance. The forum is being hosted by the Dubai International Finance Center and organized with the support of SLK Capital. Building upon the success of last year’s Arab regional forum on climate finance, this year’s forum marks the next step in the ongoing efforts to mobilize climate finance for strategic projects put forth by Arab countries.

The forum aims to promote collaboration between Governments, private sector entities and international development organizations to advance the dialogue on climate finance in the region and channel funding towards priority projects presented by Arab countries. Bankable projects and initiatives in vital sectors, including water, energy, transport and biodiversity, are also showcased, with the overarching aim of advancing climate action prior to COP 28. The forum serves as a platform for the exchange of knowledge and best practices, as well as for the provision of networking opportunities.

Additional information about the forum is available at: https://climatechampions.unfccc.int/mobilising-finance-for-climate-projects-in-the-arab-world/




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