30-31 October 2017

Regional capacity building workshop on “Water - Energy Nexus Operational Toolkit: Technology Transfer”

  • Amman, Jordan

The regional workshop will be organized under the strategic framework of ESCWA on strengthening the capacity of Governments of the MCs on mainstreaming the energy-related SDGs 2030into their national development plans and within the context of the work program 2016-2017.

In the workshop, due considerations will be given for mechanisms related to technology transfer from a technical, institutional and financial perspectives, energy efficiency(EE) technologies, desalination and water pumping technologies, technologies for the efficiency, production, treatment and transport of fresh water and wastewater, renewable energy (RE) technologies, local manufacturing and related challenges in the Arab region, issues related to water and energy considerations when transferring new technologies, indicators for the follow-up of transferring RE technologies, the efficient use of resources at the operational and maintenance levels of water and energy facilities and the requirements of an appropriate and supportive environment for technology transfer.

Initiatives: Water & energy nexus

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