3 October 2022

Beirut time

Special event

Older persons in the Arab World: protection and empowerment

  • online
Contact information
logos of ESCWA and OHCHR regioanl office in English

"Resilience of Older Persons in a Changing World” was adopted as the theme for the International Day of Older Persons for 2022, while the commemoration event in New York focuses on “The Resilience and Contributions of Older Women". This year's celebration is a call for action and an opportunity to mainstream the voices of older women and highlight their contributions to society, considering the vital role they play in their families and communities and the structural and societal challenges they face that leave them vulnerable to poverty, disease, isolation and discrimination.

The Regional Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and ESCWA are organizing an online panel discussion entitled "Older Persons in the Arab World: current realities and prospects for protection and empowerment".

The discussion aims to review the international human rights frameworks for older persons, shed light on the situation of older persons, especially women, in Arab countries, review experiences of international human rights mechanisms and discuss ways to advance the rights of older persons.

Initiatives: Older persons

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