12-19 December 2022
Event series

Independent living in the Arab region: consultations with persons with disabilities

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ESCWA is organizing a series of four sub-regional consultations with persons with disabilities and their representative organizations on the main challenges to achieving deinstitutionalization, independent living and inclusion within the community.

The key messages emanating from the consultations are being collected in an outcome document, which will be presented at the upcoming conference on independent living organized for early 2023 under the “Arab-EU Research Network on Disability".

The Network was founded in 2022 by ESCWA, the Government of Malta and the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It acts as an inter-regional platform for knowledge exchange and capacity-building. It brings together academics, researchers and institutions from Europe and the Arab region to pursue research as a driver for change and to ensure greater social inclusion of persons with disabilities.

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