19-20 December 2023

Debt optimization strategies in Arab countries

  • Muscat, Oman
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ESCWA is organizing a regional workshop to tackle debt and macroeconomic challenges in the Arab region. The workshop aims to discuss debt management practices and debt sustainability strategies of participating countries; address factors that impact risks and costs of debt and debt service; deliberate on different options for debt optimization to inform debt management strategies; discuss innovative financing instruments and preparedness of countries to access these instruments; discuss the mechanisms of debt data reporting through the Debt Management and Financial Analysis System and introduce different ways of improving debt data reporting and quality; and discuss mechanisms of fostering peer exchange and collaboration through the Arab Debt Management Group. This workshop falls under the focus area of Debt and Fiscal Policy

Participants include representatives from the ministries of finance, as well as central bank representatives from ESCWA member states and experts on public debt management and innovative financing instruments.

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