24-25 October 2022
Regional Consultation

Climate change and migration nexus in the Arab region

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The Issue Based Coalition on Migration in the Arab region (IBC/M), co-convened by ESCWA, the International Organization for Migration, the League of Arab States (LAS) and the International Labour Organization, with support from the Regional United Nations Network on Migration, are organizing a regional dialogue on the climate change and migration nexus in the Arab region.

During the session, participants are:

  • Discussing the impact of climate change on migration patterns and trends to and from the Arab region
  • Exploring the implications of climate change for different migrant groups, including asylum seekers and refugees, internally displaced persons, and migrant workers, with a special attention to specific vulnerabilities of women migrants and children on the move
  • Highlighting promising practices across the region in governance of climate-induced migration and displacement
  • Fostering cross-regional collaboration on climate-induced migration and displacement

The session brings together representatives from member States, the LAS, United Nations agencies, experts, academia and other stakeholders.

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