Enhancing transparency, accountability, participation and citizen engagement
2018 – 2022 Completed
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To streamline government processes and offer services digitally, Arab States are implementing digital government programmes (e-Government), with varying levels of success. Many countries are accelerating their digital transformation agendas to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of public institutions, improve citizen participation and engagement in government decision-making and build trust and confidence in public institutions.
ENACT focuses on the strategic and innovative deployment of emerging technologies to expedite the implementation of adopted strategies and plans in the public sector and enhance the responsiveness, inclusiveness, trustworthiness and effectiveness of Governments and their services. The work supports the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in particularly Sustainable Development Goal 16 on peace, justice and strong institutions.
ESCWA supports Arab Governments in their deployment of emerging technologies and the incorporation of innovative practices by collating and publishing regional case studies, including the research and development of strategic guidelines, policies and recommendations.
ESCWA plans to develop a model, tool and portal to provide access to information and mechanisms that Arab public institutions can use to build better operations and services.
In the implementation of its activities, ESCWA works with regional authorities, international organizations and expert consultants.
Under ENACT, ESCWA is: