
Arab trade in 2023: Trends and highlights

ESCWA Publication: E/ESCWA/CL4.SIT/2024/Policy brief.1

Country: Arab region, Arab Republic of Egypt, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Kingdom of Morocco, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Publication Type: Policy briefs

Cluster: Statistics, Information Society and Technology

Focus Area: Statistics, Technology & innovation, Trade & regional connectivity

Initiatives: Trade & industry statistics, ENACT project, Blockchain for international trade, Arab exports, Geographic Information System for transport networks and facilities in the Arab region, Improving transport & logistics

SDGs: Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Keywords: Arab countries, Automobile industry, Case studies, Economic trends, Egypt, Environmentally sound technology, Exports, Fertilizer industry, Food security, Foreign trade, Globalization, Imports, Intraregional trade, Jordan, Manufacturing, Morocco, Pharmaceutical industry, Saudi arabia, Textile industry, Trade promotion, Trade statistics

Arab trade in 2023: Trends and highlights

September 2024

The brief analyses merchandise trade in the Arab region throughout 2023. It offers a comprehensive examination of both imports and exports, identifying key factors driving trade growth. The primary contributors to Arab trade are detailed, including major products and trading partners.  Trends in intra-regional trade are explored and its significance for national economic development is underscored. Additionally, the brief addresses the Arab region's status as a net importer of food and the impact of this on food security. The brief also highlights trade in green technology products, such as electric vehicles and solar energy systems. Finally, the brief showcases successful cases of Arab countries in developing and advancing non-traditional exports.

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