The ESCWA Statistical Committee contributes to the standardization of concepts, definitions and methodologies adopted by the statistical organizations of its member States. This positively impacts the collection of timely, regionally comparable and quality statistics in economic, social and environmental areas, especially regarding the implementation of international standards and classifications.
Our approach
The Committee identifies priority areas for statistical activities in the region as well as coordinating relevant programmes among ESCWA member States and between this and other world regions. Its regular meetings platform the exchange of experiences and enhance the smooth flow of statistical information, informing the coverage, quality and timeliness of ESCWA statistical publications.
Our partners
ESCWA is collaborating with a number of regional Arab and United Nations organizations active in the field of capacity development for national statistical systems. These include:
Regional organizations:
- League of Arab States
- Arab Institute for Training and Research in Statistics
- Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries
- Islamic Development Bank
United Nations organizations:
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Regional Office for Near East and North Africa
- International Labour Organization
- International Monetary Fund
- International Organization for Migration
- Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
- UN Women
- United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
- United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
- United Nations Environment Programme
- United Nations Human Settlements Programme
- United Nations Industrial Development Organization
- United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
- United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
- United Nations Population Fund
- United Nations Statistics Division
- World Bank
- World Health Organization - Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean
Our activities
The Committee was established to undertake the following activities:
- Acquaint itself with the statistical activities of ESCWA member States; follow up on progress made in the development of statistical programmes; draw up recommendations regarding the status, implementation and evaluation of programmes of statistical work; and organize symposiums, workshops and seminars related to statistics;
- Study international statistical systems, classifications and projects, adapting them to suit the conditions and priorities of the countries of the region;
- Provide advice on statistical training requirements of ESCWA member States, proposing training programmes in coordination with appropriate regional institutions as needed;
- Standardize national statistics to make them more comparable at regional and international levels, taking into consideration relevant recommendations of the United Nations Statistical Commission and other relevant bodies;
- Coordinate the exchange of statistical data and information between ESCWA and its member States;
- Coordinate the statistical programmes of member States, particularly in matters relating to statistical surveys and censuses and dates of implementation.