
6 Apr 2021

Youth roundtable at the AFSD-2021

During the AFSD-2021, ESCWA gathered on Wednesday 31 March young activists and experts in a roundtable to deliberate about the challenges they are facing due to COVID-19 pandemic.
The roundtable discussions revolved around three themes: civic engagement and peacebuilding; wellbeing and access to health services; and skilling and learning to earning. It provided a platform for youth to discuss their priorities, present their experiences as they work to address the challenges they face, and to propose entry-points to integrate the empowerment of youth and their involvement in recovery plans.
In her intervention, Jayathma Wickramanayake, the Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth, commended the motivation of youth to lead and stand out against inequalities. She also highlighted the UN Youth Strategy launched in 2018 to put the 2030 Agenda into action.

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