
16 Feb 2017


Workshop on Effective National Technology Transfer Systems in Oman

 As part of its project on “Establishing National Technology Development and Transfer Systems in 5 Arab Countries”, ESCWA Technology Center (ETC) conducted a workshop on “Effective National Technology Transfer System in Oman” in cooperation with its national partner in Oman The Research Council (TRC) in Muscat, on 25 January 2017.
Participants in the workshop were 46 representatives of main stakeholders in the country.  ETC Board of Governors’ member from Oman, Obaid Al Saeedi contributed to the event and engaged in the subject project phases. ETC innovation officer Nizar Halasah presented an update on the UN project development in the other four countries (Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, and Tunisia).
Participants discussed the ETC studies entitled “Legislation and Institutional Polices for Coherent National Technology Transfer System in Oman” and “Guidelines for establishing TTO in Universities and Research Institutions,” presented by the national consultant, Sheikha Bint Nasser Al Khzami. The workshop also tackled the following phase. ETC Executive Director Fouad Mrad led the meeting and facilitated the discussions and stakeholders agreement on future steps.
The workshop resulted in the composition of a national steering committee for ownership led by TRC and will meet before the end of March 2017; therefore more national players will contribute to planned project phases.
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