
23 Nov 2021

Water scarcity: a challenge to sustainable development

ESCWA and partners in Egypt

To raise awareness on water scarcity and to call for the implementation of the necessary action, ESCWA and its partners organized on 17 November a high-level meeting on “Water scarcity: a challenge to sustainable development in the Arab region” on the sidelines of the 13th session of the Arab Ministerial Water Council in Cairo.
ESCWA discussed the economic impacts of water scarcity in the Arab region, including the increase in household income spending, public health costs and water service delivery costs, as well as the decrease in agriculture yields and job loss. Participants stressed the importance of having an enabling environment coupled with clear mechanisms for risk evaluation and risk management.
The meeting was organized in collaboration with FAOUNICEFLAS, the International Water Management Institute, the International Committee of the Red Cross and Oxfam.
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