
11 Jun 2007

Training Course on Ready-Made Statistical Packages


Within the context of technical cooperation program with member states and with regional organizations, and along with its mission in building capacities in statistics and information technology, ESCWA co-organized with theArab Institute for Training and Research in Statistics and the Central Administration of Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) in Egypt, the training session on ready-made statistical packages in Cairo from 14 to 30 April 2007.
ESCWA's Information and Communication Technology Division (ICTD), contributed in the training program and providing funding and resource persons namely Ms. Wafa Aboul Hosn from the Statistics Division and Ms. Juliana Daher from ITU. Both experts submitted presentations, hands on exercises, and demos on the conceptual design and the main entities of ESCWA Statistical Information System (ESIS). 28 participants from Arab countries attended the course and were trained on these to produce bilingual statistical tables and charts. The experts presented a synopsis of the ways indicators are stored in the database. At the end, participants were acquainted with the methodology used in ESCWA to define and group indicators as well as to store information in the database through electronic information transfer facility available in ESIS.
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