
25 Apr 2007

Sultanate of Oman Provides UN-ESCWA with Financial Support


The Sultanate of Oman provided UN-ESCWA with financial support of USD 50,000 to fund development projects and technical cooperation and support activities for member countries. The Sultanate is considered one of the most prominent supporters of UN-ESCWA in recent years since it has already provided USD 300,000 in funds.
The amount provided will be deposited in the UN-ESCWA Trust Fund, which is an expression of support by the member countries for the Commission's efforts to strengthen the technical, managerial and organizational capacities of its clients to plan and deliver more effective policies and programmes, particularly in support of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals and the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and international agreements dating back to 1992. The Trust Fund is also the medium through which member countries as well as regional organizations and institutions directly contribute to furthering regional cooperation and integration.
Increasing the level and frequency of contributions by member countries and organizations to the Trust Fund will enable UN-ESCWA to expand the scope, range and nature of services at the regional and sub-regional levels in support of the development plans in member countries.
It is worth noting that the UN-ESCWA Trust Fund was established in 1976 and aims to support activities and projects that achieve regional cooperation and integration in the following priority areas identified by UN-ESCWA member countries: water and energy, integrated social policies, globalization, and information and communication technology. The Commission also addresses three cross-cutting priority issues: the advancement of women; statistics; and the environment.
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