
23 Feb 2007

Statistics of International Trade in Services


UN-ESCWA organized a workshop on the "Compilation of Statistics of International Trade in Service" from 6 to 9 February 2007 in Cairo. The workshop aimed to build and strengthen national skills in applying the statistical systems and classifications related to international trade in services; share experiences between UN-ESCWA member countries and UN organizations working in Statistics of International Trade in Services; as well as present and discuss the statistical treatment of the four modes of supply and services transactions between residents and non-residents.
During the workshop, participants discussed statistical classifications, concepts and methods associated with international trade in services; as well as data collection strategies and characteristics of the services sector. Experts from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) presented specialized working papers.
Participants came out with recommendations on developing, improving and upgrading the competencies of people working in collecting and processing statistics of international trade in services; and enhancing their capacities in this regard.
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