
13 Oct 2022

Small-scale solar panels in energy-poor houses in Akkar Atika

Solar panels

ESCWA installed small-scale solar panels in energy-poor houses in Akkar Atika to meet their occupants’ basic electricity needs. The project falls under the Regional Initiative to Promote Small-Scale Renewable Energy Applications in Rural Areas of the Arab Region (REGEND), funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).
The project comes at a crucial time amid Lebanon’s electricity crisis, and is one of many interventions implemented by ESCWA in Lebanon, Jordan, and Tunisia within the framework of REGEND – an initiative which aims to improve livelihoods, increase economic benefits, social inclusion and gender equality in Arab rural communities.
Appropriate small-scale renewable energy technologies are used to conduct productive activities, support entrepreneurial development, and ensure women’s empowerment; they also create jobs and develop robust value chains necessary to maintain a sustainable economy.

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