
5 Jul 2012

Senior Officials Segment of ESCWA’S 27th Session Kicks Off

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The Senior Official Segment of ESCWA’s 27th Ministerial Session opened on 7 May at the U.N. House in Beirut. Speakers at the opening were the Deputy Executive Secretary of ESCWA, Mr. Nadim Khoury, the Director of International Cooperation in the Jordanian Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, Ms. Zeina Touqan, representing the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, which chaired the 26th Session, and the Executive Director of the Economic Policy Affairs in the Emirati Ministry of Economy, Mr. Mohamad Saleh Shalwah. In his statement, Khoury said that data already suggest that if current negative trends continue, including a decline in investment and growth rates and an increase in unemployment, mostly attributable to deteriorating political and security conditions, addressing the social consequences will become increasingly difficult, and the prospects for future generations increasingly murky. He added: “ESCWA works to keep track of the conditions, changes and aspirations in the region to ensure that its programmes are informed by the real situation of the region and the ambitions of its peoples, and that the commission works to achieve regional integration through harmonization of legislation for the benefit of future generations.” Khoury also said that ESCWA functions as mediator in bringing successful developments, practices and experiences from development processes around the world to its member countries while keeping in mind the cultural specificities of the region. Conversely, it conveys the aspirations and concerns of its member countries to the international community for incorporation into the global development agenda. The Deputy Executive Secretary briefed participants on programme, administrative and organizational questions to be addressed during the Session, adding that there will be three round table discussions on the following policy issues of importance to the ESCWA region, mainly: The Role of Participation and Social Justice in Achieving Sustainable and Balanced Development; Preparations for Rio+20 in the Arab Region; and Inclusive Financing in the ESCWA Region: Current Situation and Future Prospects. For her part, Touqan said that ESCWA has achieved a number of goals with the region facing critical circumstances, which stimulated socio-economic development and reinforced cooperation among the Commission’s member countries. She also pointed that the Ministerial Session is being held as the region continues to face harsh conditions that demand great and interactive efforts to discuss. She added that the policy issues proposed for the round table discussions outline the fundamental causes behind the so called “Arab Spring,” and pave the way to develop solutions, and set policies to achieve these solutions. According to Rule 12 of the ESCWA Procedure, which states that member countries shall assume the sessions of the subsidiary bodies of the Commission on a rotating basis, in the Arabic Alphabetical order employed by the United Nations, the United Arab Emirates assumed the Chairmanship of the 27th Session, while Jordan assumed the position of First Vice-Chairman, Bahrain the position of Second Vice-Chairman, and Syria the position of Rapporteur. At the end of the opening, the UAE Representative, Mr. Mohamad Saleh Shalwah was called to the podium, where he delivered a statement, highlighting the advisory and technical services provided by ESCWA and the implemented work program for the biennium for 2010-2011. He hoped for achieving expected results in the proposed issues to be discussed. Participants discussed today “The Report of the Executive Secretary” on the activities of the Commission including: Programme Performance Report for the Biennum 2010-2011; The Implementation of the Resolutions Adopted by the Commission at its 26th Session; The Technical Cooperation Programme and Regional Advisory Services; the Finanacial Status of the Commission; and The Reports of the Subsidiary Bodies on Their Sessions. Deliberations of the Senior Officials Segment will continue till Tuesday 8 May, 2012, and will revolve around management issues including: The Evaluation of the Work of the Commission; Proposed Amendments to the Work Programme for the Biennium 2012-2013; The Revised Draft Strategic Framework for the Biennium 2014-2015. Participants will also consider the requests of Tunisia and Libya for membership in the Commission. The ministerial segment of the session will be held on 9-10 May, 2012 under the patronage of Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Miqati. To find out more about the 27th Ministerial Session, please refer to the links below. For English: For Arabic:
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