
13 Oct 2020

Resource efficiency in the Arab region

Screenshot from the event

ESCWA, in collaboration with the League of Arab States and the United Nations Environment Programme West Asia Office, organized on 7 and 8 October a meeting on “Resource Efficiency in the Arab Region: Monitoring Progress of SDG 12 and Building Back Better from COVID-19”.
Participants highlighted the pressing need to address unsustainable patterns of consumption and production, which are a primary cause of climate change and natural resource depletion. They also called for the transformation of development trends in the environmental, social and economic spheres, and the adoption of integrated, cross-sectoral policies.
Experts from the UN, the World Bank and the Global Footprint Network discussed international frameworks for environment statistics, including waste and e-waste data collection, and accounting frameworks. They also discussed their use in Arab countries through case studies from Jordan and Morocco.
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