
15 May 2012

Promising Palestinian Officials Visit ESCWA, Explore its Activities and Policies


Three Palestinian young officials, Kahrumana Jarrar, Head of Department of UN and International Organizations in the Palestinian Ministry of Planning and Adminastrative Development, Rabii Al-Hantouli, First Secretary of the Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the United Nations, and Omar Awadallah, Head of Department of UN and Specialized Agencies in the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, attended the ESCWA 27th Session held on 7-10 May, 2012 at the UN House in Beirut, as part of an annual training programme organized by the Division of Palestinian Rights (DPR) at the United Nations Head Quarters in New York. The Programme, launched in 1996 and dedicated to Palestinian officials, entails acquainting the trainees with the work of the different organs of the United Nations, their functions and respective agendas. This year, DPR proposed sending the trainees to the ESCWA Headquarters in Beirut in order to explore its policies and activities. During their visit, the young officials attended orientation sessions with senior staff members from the different substantive divisions at ESCWA; observed various meetings of the Session and were acquainted with the process and proceedings of these high-level meetings. The Palestinian staff also met with the Executive Secretary of ESCWA, Ms. Rima Khalaf, who presented them with certificates for completing the training sessions. The Commission also arranged meetings for the trainees with representatives of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) and the Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon (UNSCOL), who briefed them on the work of both entities and on the coordination among UN System agencies in Lebanon.
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