
21 Nov 2007

Moussa Visits UN-ESCWA, Meets Executive Secretary


League of Arab States Secretary-General Amr Moussa held talks on Wednesday 21 November 2007 with UN-ESCWA Executive Secretary, Bader Omar Al-Dafa, at the UN House in Beirut. Following the meeting, Moussa told reporters that he came to Lebanon on a quick visit "amid circumstances known to all, and in view of the efforts that you have been following up on". Moussa was referring to talks with Lebanese officials on the presidential impasse. "I seized the opportunity to visit my friend Mr. Bader Omar Al-Dafa to congratulate him on his post as Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations". He added: "As you are all aware, UN-ESCWA and the Arab League have joint projects and cooperate on many issues. Therefore, talks focused on cooperation between UN-ESCWA and the Arab League with respect to developmental issues, especially in light of the upcoming Arab economic summit on development, scheduled for late 2008, to be held in cooperation with UN-ESCWA".
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