
20 Jul 2007

Meeting with representatives of Lebanese ‎Chambers of Commerce Industry and Agriculture and German Technical Cooperation ‎Agency

The acting executive secretary Mr. Atif Kubursi held on Thursday July 19 a meeting with three representatives of Lebanese Chambers of Commerce Industry and Agriculture (LCCIA): Mr. Ghazi Koraytem, President of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Beirut and Mount Lebanon; Mr. Abdallah Ghandour, President of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Tripoli and North Lebanon, and Mr. Mohamaad Zaatari, President of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Sidon and South Lebanon to discuss future potential cooperation.

Mr. Kubursi focused on the regional role of ESCWA in dealing with four major priorities in the regions: water scarcity, oil abundance, gender issues and armed conflicts. He highlighted the importance of regional cooperation, especially in investments. Mr. Ghandour raised the issue of private sector empowerment while Mr. Zaatari confirmed the importance of water resources.
The acting executive secretary Mr. Kubursi spoke about the Integrated Water Management System set up by ESCWA aiming at the rationalization of the use of water. He proposed to hold training workshops on the issue for all Lebanese Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture especially that Mr. Koraytem offered their premises to host such joint events. Mr. Ghandour listed the feasibility studies they carried out: the first dealt with the dairy products industry in North Lebanon in view of the lack of proper milk collection facility, while the second one tackled the wind and solar energy.
By the end of the meeting the acting executive secretary Mr. Kubursi invited the GTZ (a German cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations) that included the head of the (GTZ) Regional Office Mr. Majdi Al-Manshawi, Acting Secretary General of the Arab Countries Water Utilities Association (ACWUA) and Ms Hana Nasser, Coordinator of the Reconstruct Lebanon GTZ Project to join the meeting in order to discuss with the three LCCIA representatives potential cooperation on the issue of solar and wind energy in partnership with ESCWA.
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