
12 Jul 2013

Implications of Syrian Crisis on Lebanon and Jordan Proven Link of Social and Economic Repercussions


On 4 and 5 July 2013, a group of Lebanese, Syrian and Jordanian experts gathered at ESCWA to discuss the implications of the Syrian crisis on the economies of Jordan and Lebanon with the participation of international experts concerned with the economic and social situation in the region. The Expert Group Meeting (EGM), which was attended by Lebanese Minister of Economy and Trade Nicholas Nahas and Jordanian Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Ibrahim Saif, was intended to discuss the recent findings of the ESCWA studies regarding the link between Syrian economic growth and the Lebanese and Jordanian economies. The meeting also discussed the findings of the recent ESCWA studies regarding the influx of Syrian labor and its impact on unemployment rates and wage levels in Jordan and Lebanon. The impact of the Syrian crisis on the Jordanian and Lebanese economies in case of a quick resolution or as a long term conflict was one of the meeting’s agenda items. Participants in the meeting stressed the tight links between socio-economic repercussions on Lebanon and Jordan, both geographically linked to Syria. The implications of the continuing crisis in Syria have become obvious in both countries, whether through the decrease in economic growth, tourism, spending, cash inflows, assistance, and investment projects.
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