
2 Sep 2011

Have a Question for UN Chief?


In an effort to raise awareness about the work of the United Nations and help people to address challenges of the third millennium, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will directly communicate with individuals from around the world via social media. The communication, through Facebook, Twitter, Weibo and Livestream as well as the UN Webcast (, will take place on 13 September, at 11 am New York time. As world leaders prepare to gather in New York for the opening of the 66th annual UN General Assembly and participate in key debates on its agenda, the world organization invited social media users to a global conversation with the Secretary General by sending their questions through such media. Examples of questions to pose: What can be done to avert outbreak of new wars? What can individuals do to combat climate change? What is it like to be a Secretary-General? The UN considers this initiative a rare opportunity for the public to communicate with its chief and receive answers directly from him. The Organization made clear that there were no restrictions on any topics raised in solicited questions. The initiative was launched late last month and one of the Secretary General’s aides was assigned to collect the questions for Ban who will directly reply via social media. Questions may be posted in any of the six official UN languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish) in addition to Portuguese and Swahili. For participation and more information, kindly visit the following website: For Facebook, kindly visit the following UN site:
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