
14 Jul 2020

Good agriculture practices using sustainable energy

Participants in the workshops

As part of the "Regional Initiative for Promoting Small-scale Renewable Energy Applications in Rural Areas of the Arab Region" (REGEND) Project, ESCWA, in partnership with the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Jordan, organized two capacity-building workshops on good agriculture practices for enhanced energy sustainability in Al-Achaari, Maan, and Batir, Al-Karak (Jordan).
Participants in the workshops included local beneficiaries of the REGEND project, who learned about the use of sustainable energy for agriculture through lectures, exercises and practical training in the field.
Participants also acquired the knowledge and skills to improve and expand their income-generating activities, while becoming more aware of renewable energy and energy efficiency, and of their agricultural applications and benefits.
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