
10 Dec 2020

Global Energy Interconnection and Asian Energy and Power Conference

Global Energy Interconnection and Asian Energy and Power Conference

On 2 November, ESCWA Executive Secretary Rola Dashti participated in the “2020 Global Energy Interconnection and Asian Energy and Power Conference” organized by GEIDCO in cooperation with ESCWA and ESCAP.

Dashti stressed the importance of improving interregional smart grid interconnection, establishing a pan-Arab electricity market that spurs the deployment of clean energy, and building resilience to climate change.

On the sidelines of the Conference, ESCWA, LAS, GEIDCO and IsDB organized a virtual meeting on 4 November on “Energy Transition in the Arab Region: Challenges and Opportunities”. Participants stressed the importance of adopting an integrated approach to energy in the region, and using technology for grid interconnection and a faster transition to sustainable energy systems.

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