
6 Apr 2021

Financing for development and COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented additional financing challenges, especially as Governments expand social protection systems and re-prioritize spending on health and education. Thus, financing for development policies becomes key means of implementation of the COVID-19 recovery, and of an SDG-centric build-forward agenda.
In this context, ESCWA held on the sidelines of the AFSD-2021 a session on “Financing for Development: what is possible and necessary in the Arab region to achieve the 2030 Agenda” to propose concrete financing solutions and discuss regional policy options to facilitate recovery from COVID-19.
Participants called for adopting a regional roadmap for combating illicit financial flows, tax evasion and financial corruption, and bridging the financing gaps for the SDGs, increasing financial revenues and redirecting expenditures in the recovery phase.

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