
4 Aug 2011

Expert Group Meets on Gender Mainstreaming

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On 29 and 30 March 2011, ESCWA held an Expert Group Meeting on “Mainstreaming Gender in the Plans and Programmes of the Ministries of Labour in Selected ESCWA Member Countries” at the UN House in Beirut. The two-day meeting was a follow-up to a workshop on gender mainstreaming and organizational change for participants from labour ministries and national women machineries in six member countries - Bahrain, Kuwait, Lebanon, Palestine, Qatar, Sudan and Syria - that was organized in August 2010. Participants of the August workshop from were invited to attend this meeting for the purpose of sharing experiences and results achieved, and discussing good practices and lessons learned. The meeting also aimed at reviewing and discussing gender assessments undertaken by participants in last year’s workshop and the assessment reports submitted by some of the participating countries, as well as discussing how gender assessment results can be used in formulating gender strategies, based on existing examples. Participants addressed a set of recommendations, including a Kuwaiti request to benefit from the technical services provided by ESCWA and particularly in the gender area. Kuwait and Palestine submitted their reports, which included a number of recommendations for designing gender-mainstreaming strategies based on their assessments. For its part, Qatar briefed participants on the objectives and women-related activities of its Supreme Council for Family Affairs. After concluding the meeting, ESCWA Centre for Women began reviewing and summarizing these reports and was expected to shortly share with participants of the next meeting a brief summary of experiences, highlighting cornerstones of the approach and implementation, as well as challenges faced and how they were overcome. Results of the two training activities and the gender assessments undertaken by member countries will be summarized and published in a comparative analytical study later in 2011, which will be shared with participants and a wider audience, and which can serve as good practice for interested countries in the region.
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