
4 Jul 2008

Executive Secretary Visits President of Republic


Heading a delegation of senior UN-ESCWA officials, Executive Secretary Bader Omar AlDafa visited Lebanese President Michel Suleiman in the presidential palace of Baabda.
The courtesy visit, which bore the UN officials' congratulations to the newly elected president, was also an occasion for AlDafa to present UN-ESCWA's work to the highest official in the country that is the regional commission's permanent headquarters.
He explained that UN-ESCWA is to implement projects all over Lebanon, on the social and economic levels, namely concerning employment creation, supporting small and middle-sized enterprises (SMEs), and training and capacity-building. In all of its projects, the commission gives special importance to youth. As a regional arm of the United Nations, ESCWA's role is especially important. Given the current stable climate in Lebanon, this role will expand, as will UN-ESCWA projects.
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