
17 Feb 2010

Executive Secretary Highlights Youth Employment, Arab Economic Integration

ES in Jeddah Feb 2010.jpg

ESCWA Executive Secretary Bader AlDafa took part in the Tenth Jeddah Economic Forum, held under the theme "World Economy 2020," and noted for the participation of over 1200 people in it from around the world.
AlDafa called on Arab countries to create employment opportunities for youth and find mechanisms to "immediately implement the regional common projects agreed on in the last Arab economic summit meeting in Kuwait".
International experts and economists participating in the forum debated the different economic changes and the world economy until 2020 in general, with special focus on the Arab region's economy. AlDafa tackled the role ESCWA is undertaking towards Arab regional integration in different areas, to solve the economic crisis.
He said "we must move from macro economies to the level of growth engines to create a sustainable force to continue with economic recovery and growth through giving way to growth possibilities" stirred by the private sector. "Governments must coordinate with the private sector fully when discussing law and procedures prior to the legislation phase, to ensure that the road is the right one go exit the crisis and plan well, so this crisis does not repeat itself."
AlDafa noted that ESCWA member countries could contribute to finding sound solutions to the global financial crisis through technical and economic cooperation in food and agriculture, regional projects, the efficiency of financial procedures and frameworks, economic diversity and increasing cooperation between governments and the private sector
Picture courtesy of Al Jazeera website  
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