
6 Aug 2009

European University Students Visit ESCWA


A group of students visiting Lebanon from various universities in Europe on 6 August called on ESCWA where they were briefed about the UN Regional Commission and welcomed by several of its senior officials. The students' tour began with a stop at ESCWA’s Library, where they received an overview about its books, publications and documents. The European students also had a chance to see ESCWA's reproduction house where most of the Commission’s publications are produced. Following a group photo with ESCWA’s Secretary of the Commission Albagir Adam, Chief of the Programme, Planning and Technical Cooperation Division Roberto Laurenti and First Economic Affairs Officer at the Economic Development and Globalization Division Khaled Hussein, students were invited to a briefing during which Adam gave them a general idea about ESCWA. Adam said the UN is a fertile place for young people willing to learn and do research on many topics. “We value your visit and would like you to know about our Commission,” Adam said. The Secretary of the Commission highlighted the history of ESCWA, as well as its main priorities. He listed to the students the 14 member countries of the regional body and its substantive divisions. Hailing mostly from Croatia, Finland, Italy, Poland, Romania and Switzerland, the students were given the opportunity to pose questions to the UN officials. Questions and answers focused on ESCWA’s work, the financial crisis, food security and budget, among other issues.
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