
25 Nov 2016

Beirut, Lebanon

ETC Convenes 6th Meeting of Board of Governors


On 14 November 2016, President of the Royal Scientific Society of Jordan (RSS) and of ESCWA Technology Centre (ETC) Board of Governors Princess Sumaya bint Al Hassan headed the 6th Meeting of the Board, which includes representatives of 16 Arab States, to discuss and adopt ETC 2017 work plan. The meeting was held in Amman, Jordan.

In her opening speech, Princess Sumayya underlined the importance of scientific research in comprehensive and sustainable human development, and its clear and efficient impact on solving economic, development, and even political issues.

To achieve such end, she called for the adequate financial and administrative support, in addition to the participation of the private sector, and a vision of the future to build technology and knowledge-based societies and economies.  

She also called on board of governors members to effectively participate in the Global Science Forum (GSF), which will be held at the end of 2017 under royal patronage, to show the real image of the science sector in the Arab world.

Her Highness also commended the work of the Centre and its members and director for their achievements in Jordan and other Arab States in the last few years.

The meeting re-elected Princess Sumayya Bin el Hassan as President of the Board, and elected Director of the Program Department at the Research Centre in Oman Obeid Al Saidi, as Vice President.

ETC Executive Direcotr Fouad Mrad delivered a presentation on the Centre’s activities for the years 2011-2016, in which he laid out the services and projects carried out during this period in many Arab States.

ETC Innovation Expert Nizar Halasa also delivered a presentation on the project “Establishing National Technology Development and Transfer Systems in
Selected ESCWA Member States”, showcasing what has been accomplished to date in this regard.

ETC National Officer Nael Al Mulki also presented the water, energy and food nexus-related initiatives of science, technology and innovation. He also laid out the recommendations and proposals of the ETC Technical Committee.

For his part, ESCWA Technology Development Division Haidar Fraihat presented the UN mechanism in putting science and technology at the service of sustainable development. He also tackled the major requirements of science and technology plans and policies, and gave examples of international and Arab initiatives as well as ESCWA initiatives for science and technology.

The meeting laid out the suggested work plan for the year 2017 for adoption by the Board. The majority of members underlined the necessity of building on past years’ achievements, benefiting from the Centre’s strengths, and preserving its distinctive services and activities, which stand out in comparison to other such Centres.

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