
21 Nov 2011

ESCWA Opens Technology Centre in Jordan


The Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia opened its ESCWA Technology Centre (ETC) in El Hassan Science City on 15 November in a ceremony held under the auspices of King Abdullah II Ibn al-Hussein of Jordan, represented by Prime Minister Aoun Al Khasaouneh, and in the presence of UN Under-Secretary-General and ESCWA Executive Secretary Rima Khalaf, and Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan.

In her opening address, Khalaf said ESCWA's message since its creation has always been economic and social development in all its aspects and in a region that has a strategic role in global economy owing to its resources and capabilities. The region, she said, also has its own share of global wars, occupations, conflicts and all sorts of economic and environmental disorders and upheavals. Khalaf added that meeting on this occasion attests to the Commission’s keenness to stay abreast of all of the world 's advances and innovations in order to support development in regional countries, for technology has become an essential element in every development project, regardless of its size and activity. No talk of development is possible without technology, she said.

Princess Sumaya, for her part, said: "Jordan takes pride in being chosen among Arab countries to host this ESCWA regional centre. At the same time, the family of El Hassan Science City and I are very proud that ESCWA’s Centre is in the midst of our science city whose institutions cover almost all fields of scientific and technological research, such as energy, water, environment, and information and communication technology." The Princess added that alongside the ESCWA Centre, the City and other scientific and technological institutions in Jordan will constitute a complete technological system that seeks to stimulate economic and social development processes in regional countries, support cooperation among themselves, and achieve regional integration among member countries.

Al Khasaouneh was pleased that "ESCWA's noble goals entirely converge with our humanitarian, economic and social narrative aiming to secure factors of stability and wellbeing that impact the development of healthy relations among members of the international community. They also suit our quest to reach better living standards for our peoples and provide job opportunities to everyone through continuous stimulation of economic growth.”

ETC’s Executive Director Fouad Mrad also made a presentation on the Centre’s makeup, goals and framework. He said it is a regional centre for technology, innovation and scientific research, despite the lack of any researches in science, labs, scientists or even inventions. It is therefore the role of the centre, Mrad explained, to meticulously monitor available opportunities in ESCWA countries, sort them according to national needs of member states, and link them up with regional and global capacities and networks.

ETC’s board of governors held its first meeting in the presence of member country representatives. These were, by alphabetical order of participating countries, Muhammad Ahmad Amer of Bahrain, Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan of Jordan, Abdul Aziz bin Muhammad Al Souailim of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Moeen Hamza of Lebanon, Mustapha Jarrar of Palestine, Najmeddine Daood of Sudan and Noureddine Sheikh Obeid of Syrian Arab Republic.

ESCWA Executive Secretary Rima Khalaf presided over the opening session, where participants reviewed the Centre’s rules of procedures as adopted in the UN Economic and Social Council in 2010. On that basis, Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan was elected chairperson of the Board and Abdul Aziz bin Muhammad Al Souailim vice-chairperson. The session was followed by the first meeting of the Board, chaired by Princess Sumaya, to discuss financial, administrative and technical matters as well the Centre’s work plan for the coming two years.

ETC kicked off its activities immediately the next day with a workshop on "Intellectual Property (IP) and Technology Transfer for Universities and Research Institutions." It aimed at developing IP assets and strategies and managing technology transfer for universities and research institutes in ESCWA member states. Participants included professors and experts in this field from different global institutions. The workshop was organized in cooperation with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) office in Jordan.
ETC aims to enhance capacities in developing national management systems; developing, transferring, adapting and applying technology; selecting technologies appropriate for the region and facilitating their development and improving the legal and commercial framework for technology transfer. The Centre also aims to enhance technological and scientific knowledge content of major economic sectors in member countries, such as the construction industry, industrial technologies, energy, agriculture, water, new materials, as well as information and communication technology.
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