
4 Jul 2011

ESCWA National Conference on Decentralization and Local Governance in Iraq

Website- Iraq decentralization meeting.JPG

ESCWA convened a national conference on decentralization and local governance in Iraq entitled "Instigating an Evidence-based and Home-Grown National Strategy for the Promotion of Decentralization and Local Governance in Iraq". The conference, which was held in Erbil on 14-15 June 2011, gathered more than 120 participants from federal, regional and local governments, alongside representatives of Iraqi parliament, civil society and private sector. The opening session included a statement for Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Prime Minister Barham Saleh, where he emphasized the importance of decentralization and strengthening governance practices at the local level as a means to enhancing service delivery and instigating further participation. Participants concluded the conference by stressing the importance of clarifying and strengthening the applied decentralized frameworks, which are still one of the major subjects of internal discord. They highlighted the urgent need to perform amendments to the relevant legislations in order to eradicate misinterpretations and conflicts with the Iraqi Constitution as regards decentralization and local governance stipulated articles. They also called on pursuing the UN’s fostering of this endeavor aiming at developing a nationally owned strategy that would further enhance the decentralized model. Participants finally highlighted the importance of promoting local governance, which would allow a better and more equitable distribution of power and subsequently ensure more effective service provision schemes.
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