
11 Jun 2009

ESCWA Honors Deputy Executive Secretary


ESCWA held a ceremony to honour Muhammad Abdul Razzak, Chief of Programme Planning and Technical Cooperation Division (PPTCD) and Acting Deputy Executive Secretary, who has retired of late.
The ceremony was attended by a host of officials and staff members of the Regional Commission. Speakers at the ceremony included ESCWA Executive Secretary Bader AlDafa, Anhar Hegazi, Chief of the Sustainable Development and Productivity (SDPD), Roula Majdalani, Officer in Charge of PPTCD and Chief of the Technical Cooperation Section, Julie Abu Arab from the SDPD Water team, Aloke Kar, Regional Advisor, and Bayan Tabbara, First Social Affairs Officer at the Social Development Division (SDD).
AlDafa said that retirement was neither the "end of the world nor of life". He wished Abdul Razzak luck and success in all his future endeavours.
Abdulrazzak holds a Ph.D in Civil Engineering, with specialization in Hydrology and Water Resources Management, from Colorado State University in the United States. He has more than 35 years of experience in the academic, technical and managerial fields. Upon joining ESCWA in 1995, he worked as Chief of Natural Resources Section. He later worked at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as Director of the Regional Office for Science in Arab States before returning to ESCWA in April 2007.
Abdul Razzak expressed his appreciation of ESCWA administration and staff. "I am proud of you and consider myself lucky to end my service here", he said to the crowd

AlDafa then presented Abdul Razzak with a souvenir in appreciation of his services and dedication to the Commission.
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